Storytelling Part Three

Welcome back! When last we met, we defined our “Hero’s Journey” term. Now let’s begin our “hero’s journey” using storytelling as a strategy in instruction and training.

Instructional storytelling is a method to teach objectives and skills. By pairing content with storytelling, we increase emotional buy-in which creates emotional output. When our audience connects to our content through our story, they engage at levels that can result in change, memory, and action.

Most recent writings about storytelling focus on how to express a personal story or convey a message that relates to an emotion. As an educator/trainer we use stories to teach our students about something. Making a story that communicates a message is not the same thing as delivering a story so the listener can use what they see or hear. As educators/trainers we strive to deliver stories through the right channel, at the right time, for just-in-time learning.

Presenting content in a narrative (story) format is a means of conveying information so it is exciting and unforgettable. Stories are a natural mode of thinking; we begin our discovery and learning from Aesop’s fables, fairy tales, or family history. Within the storytelling community some believe that all knowledge comes in the form of stories.

Stories serve many functions in education/training, including sparking interest, aiding the flow of content, making material memorable, overcoming resistance and/or anxiety, and building rapport between the instructor and the students, or among students themselves.

As an educator/trainer, we capitalize on the inherent narrative structure of stories as a powerful strategy for organizing and transmitting information.

Storytelling Part One

Storytelling has been a part of humanity since we first gathered in tribes. We told stories to explain the world we saw and share our culture. We continue to tell and retell the greatest stories of our culture. Stories are the most powerful delivery tool of information. Instead of gathering around a flickering fire to tell our stories, we gather around our screens. Stories convey meaning. Stories are dynamic. Telling stories allows our target audience to be more engaged and receptive to the ideas we are presenting.


Why did I begin this post talking about stories and storytelling? It is my attempt to invite you a hero’s journey. A journey to discover why it is important to make our target audience the true heroes of our stories. When we make ourselves the mentor, to our target audience, we guide, give confidence, and give insight that the path chosen is the proper path. We provide those needed magical gifts to overcome their fears and join us on the journey.

It has become the norm to design and write websites as reports not stories. Websites are not reports. Website should not convey only information, websites should also convey experiences. Blending both creates the perfect layering of information and story. The reason to tell a story is to create the desire and then allow the facts to fill those desires. After all isn’t the goal of your website or other digital media to communicate your ideas, help people understand your ideas and persuade your target audience to act?