Entries by JFHopper

Can someone with an academic background be successful as a corporate instructional designer? (Part 2)

Designing corporate training and academic coursework involves tailoring educational experiences to the specific needs, goals, and characteristics of distinct learner groups in different contexts. Here are key differences between designing corporate training and academic coursework: Audience: Purpose and Goals: Context and Relevance: Flexibility and Customization: Assessment and Evaluation: Timeline and Pace: Learning Environment: Regulatory Compliance: […]

Can someone with an academic background be successful as a corporate instructional designer?

Today’s job market is an interesting, frustrating, and heartbreaking opportunity for growth. May I provide a bit of background? I have 25 plus years of experience teaching and designing curriculum in academia. I am searching for an opportunity as an instructional designer. One area of concern during my interviews with hiring managers is my academic […]

Role of a Curriculum Designer

A curriculum designer plays a crucial role in education by creating structured and effective learning experiences. The role involves developing a comprehensive plan that outlines what students will learn, how they will learn it, and how their progress will be assessed. Here are some key aspects of the role of a curriculum designer: Overall, the […]

Storytelling Part Three

Welcome back! When last we met, we defined our “Hero’s Journey” term. Now let’s begin our “hero’s journey” using storytelling as a strategy in instruction and training. Instructional storytelling is a method to teach objectives and skills. By pairing content with storytelling, we increase emotional buy-in which creates emotional output. When our audience connects to […]

Storytelling Part Two

In part one I invited you on a “hero’s journey”.  What I left out is the explanation of what a hero’s journey is.  Please allow me a moment to define the phrase “hero’s journey”. The “Hero’s Journey” is a pattern of narrative that developed by scholar Joseph Campbell. What is the premise of the hero’s […]

Storytelling Part One

Storytelling has been a part of humanity since we first gathered in tribes. We told stories to explain the world we saw and share our culture. We continue to tell and retell the greatest stories of our culture. Stories are the most powerful delivery tool of information. Instead of gathering around a flickering fire to tell our […]